My life outside of running

Environmental Activist


I am passionate about the environment, green spaces and how good being in nature is for people's physical and mental wellbeing. I am an active member of Greenpeace and the Health and Environment Public Engagement Group that works with the European Centre for Environment & Human Health (a part of Exeter University)


At the beginning of 2019, I went car-free as an experiment in behavioural change - I am now (from 17/07/2021) renting an electric car to test the charging infrastructure and blog about that experience weekly. If you want to try an electric car on an all-inclusive, no-commitment monthly rental from Onto use code 52aad for £100 off your first payment.


Stand-up Comedian


On 1st August 2022, I gave my first performance in Toast, a pub in Falmouth. I loved it and fortunately so did the audience. Since then I have been hooked and have performed in clubs and pubs in Devon and Cornwall. I'm still learning and hope to perform in other counties and possibly countries.

Small Business Supporter


Having left the corporate world, I now devote some of my time to helping small businesses as the Federation of Small Businesses elected Area Lead for Cornwall. That gives me the opportunity to raise problems affecting businesses in Cornwall with MPs, the Council and other public bodies.  I also get involved in organising and hosting, networking and training events.


During the Covid crisis, I started a 'Business Thoughts' blog to, hopefully, use my experience to generate some thoughts that would help small businesses find solutions to their problems.



I am a writer, so I love language and words. Sometimes I come across words or phrases that amuse me, infuriate me or are intriguing, when that happens I post about it in the 'Trailrunningman Explores the English Language' blog.


My pet hate is the misuse of apostrophes - when I see that sort of thing I go for a run to calm down.

Ask for Evidence Ambassador


I am an ambassador for the Ask for Evidence campaign. It's a public campaign that helps people ask for the evidence behind health claims, news stories, ads and policies.  It shows how to ask the right questions and how to understand different types of evidence. I am the representative in the South West, if you would like me to give a presentation to a group in that area please contact me.